quarta-feira, outubro 10, 2007

The Ghost Song

Pós-ensaio, noite em casa do Índio Filipe. Borel By Night. Lights down. Léo Ferré a rodar-se. Um S.Martinho a mil. And Jim Morrison AROUND. Bowie a piscar-me o olho. As usual. Afinal, nascemos no mesmo dia. Amps, colunas, circuitos integrados, tudo bem espalhado, espelhando o espaço, o útero de um "afinador de som":) Por vezes: o afinador de notas:)
"Fomos treinados para ser elitistas." Normandie 1886. O Filipe é um Mito. As gatas Fera e Bera deslizando o pelo sobre os meus Camper. Passo-lhes um pouco do meu Amor sobre o ventre. Saltam e assaltam a ganga do João.

The Ghost Song is a song by The Doors, and was released on An American Prayer in 1978, 7 years after Jim Morrison's death in Paris, France. The song is Morrison's poetry recording with the rest of the band's music.

"The Ghost Song"
Part of the song "indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding" refers to a childhood experience, when Jim and his family were driving down a desert highway and passed 3 truckloads of indian workers. He says that, during that experience, the souls of the dead indian workers just leapt into his soul and stayed there until his death.

'Know the feeling:)

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