quarta-feira, abril 04, 2007

Taking over me

Blackest eyes by Porcupine Tree

A mother sings a lullabye to her child
Sometime in the future the boy goes wild
And all his nerves are feeling some kind of energy.

Walk in the woods and I will try
Something in the trees that made you cry
It's so erotic when your makeup runs.

I got wiring loose inside my head
I got books that I never ever read
I got secrets in my garden shed
I got a scar where all my urges bled
I got people underneath my bed
I got a place where all my dreams are dead
Swim with me into your blackest eyes.

A few minutes with me inside my van
Should be so beautiful if we can
I'm feeling something taking over me.

2 comentários:

Inês disse...
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Inês disse...

Tenho essa letra no meu Ipod. :)

Ah, já te mandei a morada pelo myspace. Recebeste? (pergunto porque às vezes mando mensagens e no fundo ele não manda nada... :|)
